

Saturday, January 2, 2016

#Backyard Tourist - Taking Advantage of Local Sightseeing Opportunities

To start the new year and enjoy the last of my time away from work, we've been doing a lot of hiking and walking the dogs. Today was no exception and we spent time at the San Tan Mountain regional park, which is just a short drive from the house. In fact, the only photo I took today was the shot below which is a view of the San Tan Mountain from just beyond our driveway. On the way home it occurred to me I took no photos and, being such a gorgeous day, I thought that was a travesty. So, we pulled over onto the shoulder of the road, I jumped out of the car, turned around, and took this shot. 

It was a lovely day with warmer temperatures and surprisingly few people. Here is what the Maricopa County website has to say: San Tan Mountain Regional Park consists of over 10,000 acres, the southeast Valley park and is a fine example of the lower Sonoran Desert. The park ranges in elevation from about 1,400 feet to over 2,500 feet. Goldmine Mountain is located in the northern area, with a spectacular San Tan Mountain escarpment in the southern portion of the park. The vegetation changes from creosote flats to dense saguaro forest. Various types of wildlife may be observed, including reptiles, birds, and mammals.

One of my goals for 2016 is to enjoy more local sightseeing opportunities. I love to travel and am quite neglectful about taking advantage of all Arizona has to offer. Today was a step in the right direction!  Two days down, 363 days to go!

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